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How to change the appearance of on/off switches on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

How to change the appearance of on/off switches on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

  1. Open the ‘Accessibility Settings’: Settings > General > Accessibility. (See the article Open Accessibility Preferences on this website for more information.)
  2. Under the ‘Vision’ section, tap the toggle switch next to ‘On/Off Labels’. Fig 1.
    On/Off Labels– iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Fig 1
    Fig 1
  3. Fig 2 shows the appearance of toggle switches when ‘On/Off labels’ is enabled.
    On/Off Labels– iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Fig 2
    Fig 2
  4. When happy with your settings, either tap the back button in the top left of the screen to return to the main ‘Accessibility’ settings screen or press your device’s ‘Home’ button to return to the home screen.
Created on: March-04-2018

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